Lauren Silverman and Andrew Silverman are pretty much divorced (I think there is only some paperwork left). Simon Cowell is done with his Mediterranean vacation with his harem. And so is the controversy over? Not really. There are still so many questions and scandals and controversies. Shockingly, one of those questions seems to be “Is Simon still going to be BFFs with Andrew after Simon banged Andrew’s wife for years and knocked her up?” And even more shockingly, the answer seems to be YES.
Simon Cowell’s secret meeting with Lauren Silverman’s cuckolded husband was to clear the air and make sure Andrew Silverman doesn’t publicly criticize him for impregnating his wife. The “X Factor” mogul had the secret summit with Andrew at Westhampton airport a few weeks ago, before Andrew and Lauren signed divorce papers to end their marriage last week. The Silvermans have a 7-year-old son, Adam.
Yesterday Lauren, who is said to be 12 weeks pregnant but appears to be further along, landed in the South of France, along with a lot of baggage, to join Cowell on his yacht.
A source told us, “Cowell and his legal team wanted his name removed from the divorce papers so this does not tarnish him. Cowell wanted a face-to-face meeting to clear the air and make sure Andrew wouldn’t speak out about him. No money changed hands, but Simon made Andrew feel good, said he feels bad about the situation, he will take care of everything and he hoped they will remain friends. Andrew really wants to keep his friendship with Cowell. The meeting ended with them shaking hands and an agreement their discussion would remain confidential.”
Andrew and Cowell had been close friends for years after meeting in Barbados, and took regular trips on the mogul’s yacht along with Lauren and the rest of Cowell’s harem of ladies. Andrew was initially so infuriated at the discovery of Cowell’s affair with his wife that he took the step of naming him as a co-respondent in divorce papers, citing “adultery.” But now that the divorce is settled, Andrew is content to quietly move on.
Other sources say Andrew was happy to get out of the marriage with Lauren, who is “quite a handful, and now Simon has to deal with that. She’s his problem.”
Andrew and Cowell are so set on keeping their agreement under wraps, their reps took the unusual step of issuing a joint statement, saying: “This is a completely untrue, fabricated account from an uninformed person trying to advance their own desperate agenda.”
Ha! That story is gold. And I totally believe it too, although I do wonder why Andrew even wants to remain friends with Simon. Still, that’s better than holding a grudge and making everything into some long, drawn out drama. Is Andrew really mature and decent? Or is Lauren really that much of a “handful”? Also interesting: Star Mag says that Simon isn’t even convinced that the kid is his:
“Simon has no intention of giving up his lifestyle for Lauren,” says a source close to the situation. And he may not be too keen on giving up his money for her either. Simon recently told Lauren that he’s not even thinking about child support – until the newly single socialite submits to a DNA test!
“Simon is no fool, and he’s not going to pay a cent for this child until he’s 100% sure he’s the father. He needs scientific proof.”
Simon is determined to get Lauren to take a DNA test while pregnant, although he does view Lauren as a “close friend” and he “doesn’t think she is a golddigger,” he’s also not willing to take her word that the baby is his.
“If she thinks she has him locked down just because she’s pregnant, she’s in for a very rude awakening. Simon was with Lauren a lot of the time but not all of the time, the baby could be Andrew’s.”
According to the source, Simon’s attitude is a real eye opener for Lauren, who has told friends she thinks of Simon as her “soulmate” and had assumed that her pregnancy would tame his womanizing ways.
“Lauren is completely baffled by his behavior. She thought everything would be very straightforward – she would leave her husband and then move in with Simon and raise the baby together. But instead, Simon is acting like there’s nothing between them… When she brought up marriage, Simon said she was getting ahead of herself and perhaps they should take things one day at a time.”
[From Star Magazine, print edition]
Again, I believe the part about Lauren thinking Simon is her soulmate. I also believe she’s a world-class golddigger and Golddigger Rule #1 is “Always get pregnant by the right millionaire.” I have no doubt that the kid is Simon’s because if it’s Andrew’s, well, that’s just a rookie mistake not worthy of Lauren’s game. Anyway… Simon isn’t going to marry. Ever. But he’ll take care of her financially.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.